Where Can I Find Help?

Resources - Where Can I Find Help?
Campus, community and national resources to assist with intimate partner violence, unhealthy relationships, sexual assault, and stalking.
- The CARE Center (Campus Assault Response and Education)
- Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
- Confidential, compassionate support and resources by a staff member
- Call 925-631-4193 or email Megan Gallagher at mag7@joker47.net to schedule a virtual appointment.
- SMC 24/7 CARE Line (Campus Assault Response and Education) Line
Call or text - (925) 878-9207
Available for anonymous call/text support and resources related to sexual assault and violence during the academic year (support is available first day of classes to last day of classes each semester). 24/7 CARE Line phone resumes January 3, 2024
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- (925) 631-4364, Augustine Hall, Ground Floor
- Health Center
- (925) 631-4252, Augustine Hall, Ground Floor
- Mission and Ministry Center
- (925) 631-4366, Korth 1 (right of Chapel)
- Campus Safety
- (925) 631-4282, Assumption Hall West
- Center for Women and Gender Equity
- (925) 631 - 4192, Augustine Hall, Ground Floor
- Community Violence Solutions (Contra Costa County):
- 24 hour crisis hotline - 1-800-670-7273
- advocacy and hospital accompaniment
- Community United Against Violence (SF):
- 24 hour crisis hotline: (415) 333-HELP
- Web site: www.cuav.org
- free counseling, legal advocacy, and emergency assistance (hotel, food, and transportation vouchers) for LGBTQ survivors of domestic violence, hate violence, and sexual assault
- Family Justice Center:
- Contra Costa County: (925) 521-6366
- Alameda County: (510) 267-8800
- Both centers offer crisis counseling, advocacy, support, legal clinic (restraining orders), and safety planning
- Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County
- Telephone: (925) 692-0090
- http:www.rainbowcc.org
- Supportive services for the LGBTQ community
- STAND! For Families Free of Violence (Concord):
- 1- 888-215-5555
- 24-hour crisis counseling and emergency resources related to dating/domestic violence
- http://www.standffov.org/
- Love is Respect
- http://www.loveisrespect.org/
- 1-866-331-9474
- live chat available 24/7
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- 1-800-799-7233
- http://www.thehotline.org/
- One Love Foundation
- http://www.joinonelove.org/
- intimate partner violence information and support
- National Sexual Assault Hotline/RAINN
- 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
- 24 Hour call and live chat available
- http://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline
- Stalking Resource Center